2020 will definitely be a year that we never forget. As we reflect on this year and all that has transpired, many emotions and thoughts fill our minds. For you, some of those thoughts may be fear and uncertainty, slow-pace, new normal, or simply a reset. Regardless of where you are at, we would like to remind you that no moment, day, or year is wasted if growth is a byproduct. In this blog post, we would like to highlight a few reasons why we truly need Christmas this year.
A Time to Cherish
Christmastime is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate, enjoy time with loved ones, and make memories. This year has shown us how time is something to be cherished. As the Christmas season is upon us, what better time than now to show our loved ones we care? This year may look different with celebrations, but there is always a way to show our family and friends we care and how important they are to us.

Unexpected Gifts
As we celebrate the greatest gift on Christmas day, we bless those we love with gifts as a way to show we care and love them. This year, it has been easy to see that the greatest gifts are not always those found under a tree. Rather, the gift of time, family, and community are of great importance as we seek to spend time with those we love. A reality check, yes, but what an excellent opportunity to reevaluate as we prepare for a new year.

A Hope Outside of this World
This year has been filled with significant uncertainty as our personal worlds have felt shaken from the pace we once lived. However, it is times like these; we are reminded of how short and unpredictable life is. This is why having hope outside of this world is so important. As believers, we have security in our faith and hope in our Savior. We can cling to a hope that will one day be manifested. In turn, it gives us hope, joy, and confidence in the struggle, knowing joy and celebration are on the horizon.

From our business to your home, Merry Christmas!
May this holiday season bring you hope, peace, and joy as you celebrate with your loved one of our Savior’s birth. Merry Christmas!