Is decluttering simply a fad or an act that can transform our homes and minds from the inside out? According to, the definition of decluttering consists of the deliberate and intentional work of emptying a particular space in order to make that area more pleasant and useful. Thus, decluttering goes beyond simply getting rid of unwanted and bulky items. Instead, it focuses on intentionally minimizing, for the future benefit of having something that is more purposeful. We don’t know about you, but this gives us a little more motivation to get started on this daunting task.
Beginning to Declutter
Now this may sound all fine and dandy, but what is truly invovled with decluttering, and where do I begin? Well, the short answer is, you decide! However, before going to your junk drawer or messy closet, our recommendation is to write out every space in your home. You can do this by room, or even down to each closet and drawer. Once you have this written out, we recommend going from line item to line item and making piles such as Keep, Donate, and Throw. Continue until you have gone through every space.
Now, throw out your decluttered items that are trash immediately. This saves time, clears your space and gets a good momentum started. Second, box away all donations and put in a garage or a space that is out of sight. Once the items that you are keeping are all that’s left, we recommend using storage tubs, bins, and labels to give all of your items organization.
The Aftermath of Declutter
The aftermath of decluttering your home can feel good, but it can also leave you feeling “What’s next?”, “Should I have gotten rid of that?”, or “I’m not sure where to find ______!”. These are normal conclusions, especially if you have never truly decluttered before. However you feel after this task, know that you will benefit from this work immediately, and in the future!
The Final Result of Decluttering
After we declutter our space and become acquainted with our new reality, we are able to fully embrace and enjoy our home in a new way. We encourage you to organize the spaces that you decluttered. This keeps them looking good and organized in the coming weeks, and months.
Our favorite result of decluttering, which goes back to Cambridge’s definition, is that once decluttering has happened, you now have space, whether physical or mental, to have something more useful and pleasant in its place.
Ready to get in touch about your next project? We would love to hear from you! Give us a call at 616-399-3119 or fill out our Contact Form here!