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Choosing a Word of the Year

Can you believe we are almost in 2024? This year has flown by, but we are so excited to begin a new year making memories and growing in positive habits. In this blog post, we would like to encourage you to choose a “word” of the year. This simple, yet intentional act can ground your year and give it a new sense of purpose and excitement.

What do we mean by a “word of the year”? This will simply be a word you choose to use as a reminder and guide for how you seek to intentionally focus on this year, such as ‘Peace’, ‘Organization’, ‘Love’, or ‘Patience’ to list a few.

Reflect on the Previous Year

The first step in choosing a “word” of the year is to reflect on the previous year. Ask yourself the following questions:

Once you use these questions as a guide, you can begin to pinpoint where you would like to focus this upcoming year. We are certain a “word” will come to mind when you honestly reflect on this past year and how you’d like to improve and grow in the upcoming year.

Pray and Consider

Second, pray and consider what God may lay on your heart to focus on this upcoming year. If you are a believer in Christ, you are commanded to always grow in the fruit of the Spirit and character and this is an excellent opportunity to do a heart check and see what God may lay on your heart to focus on in the upcoming year.

Write the “Word” throughout Your Home and Spaces

Now that you have a “word” of the year, we highly recommend placing the “word” throughout your home and the spaces you are in often. This not only serves as a reminder, but it also is an opportunity to share with others what you are focusing on this year and encourage them to join you.

On behalf of Lakeshore Custom Cabinets, we pray that 2024 may be a year of great joy and growth for you and your loved ones.

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