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Embracing the Season

Have you ever felt as though you were preparing for the next season while the current one flies by? It’s so easy to focus on your goals that the present passes by without much thought. In this blog post, we would like to encourage you to embrace where you are first, and then look forward to the next season as well.

Acknowledge The Season You Are In

In order to fully thrive, we must sit back and enjoy where we are at. In a culture that is fast paced and self-absorbed, it’s easy to compare and strive for what we believe will be the next “greatest thing”. However, when we slow down and acknowledge the season we are in, we are able to embrace the season and its joys, difficulties, and milestones in ways we may have missed if only focused on the next “thing”.

Find Everyday’s Little Joys

Each day has little joys if we look close enough. They may be small, they may be big, but they are there. When we are seeking to embrace the season we’re in, we must be willing and excited to search for the little joys that make our current circumstances special. Find the heartbeat of the season and let it beat proudly.

Be Wary of Outside Influences

Oftentimes our minds wander to unhealthy places when we simply desire to be in a life season of someone else. Be cautious of the voices you let in to your life, in person, on social media, through entertainment. All of these influences can have a significant impact on your happiness and embracing the season you’re in.

Having a Game Plan

Finally, we encourage you to have fun dreaming up a game plan. If we don’t know where we are going and what our goals are, we can oftentimes feel stuck in our circumstances. In order to effctively enjoy the season you’re in, sometimes you just need hope that you’re on your way to you next goal too.

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